What if healthy, funny and hot sex are needed ingredients for the same recipe?
Too many taboos on too many different topics revolving sex. But July 1st is International Joke Day. A worldwide event that invites mankind to step back from being too serious and crack a laugh about anything. Being funny and humoristic without hurting anyone's feelings of course, might be the best medicine ever created. But what is laughter? Or most importantly, what true benefits come with laughter? They seem to be of a large scale measured by the fact that a calendar year has not one, but 2 days devoted to laughter! July 1st and the well known April's Fool (April 1st).
This is absolutely no hearsay, it is indeed medical and scientific facts proven in a controlled environment. Or what people like to think when something is professionally tested: a lab. Laughter has shown to relieve pain, it actually enhances and increases happiness. No matter the person's baseline. This means that it can (and most certainly will) pull a depressed person out from the hole, at least just a little bit. It boosts your immune system! Making you more resistant to harmful invisible enemies such as viruses. Something extremely important amidst a pandemic. Doctors state that you can never laugh too much, in fact -and sadly- people don't laugh as much as they should. Or as they could. Laughing is 100% free! You only need to be willing to do it. A conducted study showed that on average, children laugh around 400 times per day, but adults do it only 15 times in the same period. It explains a lot… right? Doctors have even taken the laughter issue further. As to state that even the muscular exercise you get from physically laughing is positive for your body. For each laugh you will be working out your abs, diaphragm and the heart. Topped with the mental and hormonal benefits, everyone should start laughing right away. With YouTube, Netflix and many more comedy or bloopers sources, ranging from free to nearly free, there is absolutely no excuse to not laugh daily.
We now get why the International Joke day, but what does sex have to do with this? And more importantly, how do sex and humour entangle.
First of all, the good stuff about sex is obvious and self explanatory. But do we really know the true benefits of sex? Meaning: for the mind and the body?. A healthy creative sexlife has more benefits than Aloe Vera (joke #1 intended, since it has more properties than Donald Trump -joke #2 intended-). Sex grants the practitioner with lower and more regulated blood pressure. An enhanced immune system. It lowers the risk for heart disease (plus the aerobics!). Improved self esteem. It hinders depression and anxiety. And paradoxically it increases libido. Sex only attracts the desire for more sex! It is nature's natural painkiller and sleeping pill. It kills stress better than any pharmaceutical. And relationship wise, it is the best intimacy builder, a fundamental cornerstone in any close relationship. Basically, this reminds us of something we all know. The benefits of keep getting sex as a way of life and as a way of health. In some aspects, both sex and humour are two of the most powerful tools that whoever created the human beings provided us with. To completely free, natural, healthy and enjoyable mechanisms to take our current status to the next level. To a better, healthier and enhanced level of living and existing.
The downside of these two areas is quite tricky. A joke gone wrong can cause the opposite effect on the joke teller as what a good laugh would have provided. A joke to which no one laughs can hurt self confidence. And in sex it is pretty much similar. A sexual encounter gone wrong. Or when things that are supposed to happen do not happen… the human mind can develop unnecessary burdens and effects that are extremely opposite from those created in a perfect and enjoyable sexual encounter.
The key to get along properly with these two sides of the same coin, and more importantly sex.
Is to approach sexual expressions, sexuality and overall sex with an immense dose of humour. This doesn't mean to put on a comedy stand up show in the midst of action, but when things tend to not go as planned, or you find yourself as the main actor of a “sex blooper”. Just relax, and defuse the inconvenience with a bit of humor. Don't forget that sex implies (most often) the intense interaction of two bodies, many thinks can happen. When you compound that with the mental factor the body can fail. Not having a proper erection on time does not mean you are not “a man”. And certainly a woman with not-wet-enough privates does not mean she is not interested in her partner. Many people think that humor derails sexual intimacy and power, but in fact, it is those destructive thoughts that accomplish that task. The veil of humor only protects for the worse, just in case it happens. We are human after all! Just to be clear, humor will never comprehend certain forms of bullying, intentionally embarrassing your partner or laughing at -instead of with- your partner.
Just relax, enjoy and remember that even sex toys are intended to fire up the funny side of sexual encounters. Have you ever seen a human being with a penis attached to his or her jaw? We labeled it the defectuous unicorn. Because at a first glance the apparatus looks exactly the same as a unicorn horn. But on a second look, you can see that it is far off from being a horn, and instead of being on the forehead, it protrudes from the chin! And yes, if it exists it is because people use it. And they have fun with it! Without the obligation of penetrating your partner with a plastic penis hanging from your chin, remember that some do! And if you happen to “mess up” in bed, just relax, retry and enjoy! Take it with a dose of humour.